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How to Keep Your Cooling Costs Down This Summer

Finding innovative ways to keep your home cool without breaking the bank is crucial. In this post, we highlight effective methods to keep your energy bills in check while maintaining a cool, comfortable home..

How to Keep Your Cooling Costs Down This Summer

Maximize Shade and Insulation

One of the simplest and most effective ways to keep your home cool is by maximizing shade. Drawing curtains, blinds, or shades, significantly reduces the amount of heat entering your home. Reflective window films or solar screens can also block a substantial amount of solar heat.

Additionally, consider planting trees on your property. Find the optimal location for greenery, which usually depends on where the sun rises and sets. These natural shades can enhance your outdoor space and filter direct sunlight.

Upgrade Your Cooling System

Older AC units tend to be less efficient, which is more costly to operate. Replace yours with a cooling system that has the recommended energy-efficiency ratio (EER). This investment will improve indoor comfort and lead to significant savings in the long run. Additionally, routine maintenance like cleaning or replacing AC filters will help reduce unnecessary energy consumption.

Utilize a Smart Thermostat

A programmable or smart thermostat allows precise control over your home’s temperature, even when you’re not there. By adjusting settings to reflect when you’re away or asleep, you can avoid cooling an empty house. This device can also be programmed to cool your living spaces right before you return home or wake up, ensuring comfort without excessive energy use. Adjusting the temperature even by a few degrees can lead to considerable savings over the summer months.

Use Ventilation and Ceiling Fans

Proper ventilation significantly enhances your home’s comfort during hot weather. An example of this is the use of ceiling fans, which effectively circulate air in your home. Opening windows to allow fresh air in can naturally cool your home without the need for air conditioning. Similarly, venting out hot air from activities such as cooking or showering can prevent humidity and heat buildup.

Minimize Indoor Heat Production

Reducing activities that generate a lot of heat can also help keep your home cooler. For example, you can instead microwave your meals, use an outdoor grill for cooking, or air-dry your clothes. Additionally, using energy-efficient lighting that produces less heat, such as LED bulbs, can contribute to a cooler home environment.

Remember, keeping your cooling system well-maintained and embracing smart technology can make a significant difference in managing the summer heat. At Cafco Services, we’re committed to helping our customers find cost-effective air conditioning solutions. Call us today at (513) 242-3400 or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment.